Digital computer: Digital computers work upon discontinuous data. They convert the data into digits (binary digits 0 and 1) and all operations are carried out on these digits at extremely fast rates. They are two types
Special- purpose computer
General- purpose computer
Analog computer: In analog computers, continuous quantities are use. In other words analog computers measure representing numbers by physical magnitude such as voltage, temperature, current and pressure.
Hybrid Computer : A hybrid computer is a combination of both analog and digital computers i.e it can perform the functions of both a digital and an analog computer
Special- purpose computer
General- purpose computer
Analog computer: In analog computers, continuous quantities are use. In other words analog computers measure representing numbers by physical magnitude such as voltage, temperature, current and pressure.
Hybrid Computer : A hybrid computer is a combination of both analog and digital computers i.e it can perform the functions of both a digital and an analog computer
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