Tuesday, July 6, 2010

history of computer

The history of computer starts out about 2000 years ago, at the birth of the abacus, a wood rack holding two horizontal wires with beads strong on them. Abacus is one of the earliest calculating devices ever invented by man. Charles Babbage's an English mathematician and a professor of mathematics developed machine called difference engine.

Disadvatages of computer

Computer is expensive and poor people cannot afford but day by day it is becoming cheaper.
People are becoming too much dependent on computers. After the advancement of computer everyday piracy in intellectual properties is increasing.

classifation of computer based on model

XT Computer: The computers which have 8086 microprocessor or 8088 microprocessor are called as XT computer. XT Computer has processing speed of 4.77 MHZ
AT Computer: The computer which have 80286 microprocessors are called as AT computer. These are faster that XT computers.
PS/2 Computers: IBM Company started manufacturing next model of computers in 1990. This model is called as PS/2 (Personal System-2) model computers. Most of the computers manufactured after 1990, including laptop computers belong to this model.

application of computer

While the development of computers is itself an outcome of remarkable development in science and technology, it is now being increasingly used to farther scientist and technological advancements. The use of computers in this area encompasses a wide range of activities

limitation of computer

Although computers can do almost everything in a better faster and cheaper way, it has some drawbacks. Our expectations are immense from the computer but some of the expectation and benefits that are expected from computers have not being fulfilled computer does not have intelligence of its own.

generation of computer

The history of computer development is often referred to in reference to the different generation of computing devices. The first, generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuit and machine drums for memory and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. Transistors replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation computers. The microprocessor brought the forth generation in computers as thousand of integrated circuit were built into a single silicon chip. Fifth generation computing devices based on artificial intelligence are still in development though there are some applications such as voice recognition that are being used today.

classification of computer on the basis of work

Digital computer: Digital computers work upon discontinuous data. They convert the data into digits (binary digits 0 and 1) and all operations are carried out on these digits at extremely fast rates. They are two types
Special- purpose computer
General- purpose computer
Analog computer: In analog computers, continuous quantities are use. In other words analog computers measure representing numbers by physical magnitude such as voltage, temperature, current and pressure.
Hybrid Computer : A hybrid computer is a combination of both analog and digital computers i.e it can perform the functions of both a digital and an analog computer